You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.3. FILE Menu: Master File Maintenance > 1.3.10. File - Freight and Couriers > Couriers Master File > Adding a New Courier
Adding a New Courier

To add a courier to the Couriers master file:

  1. Open the Courier File Update screen.

Refer to "Opening the Couriers Master File".

  1. Select FILE | NEW.

Micronet displays the Courier File Update screen in Add Mode.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Courier Number

Enter a unique ID for the courier you are creating.

If you are setting up SmartFreight, enter a number that matches exactly what is setup in SmartFreight.



Enter the courier’s name.


Address 1, 2, 3

Enter the courier’s address details on the three lines, e.g. street address, suburb, state and postcode.


Phone Number Contact

Enter the courier’s normal business phone number.


Fax Number

Enter the courier’s normal fax number.


Phone Number Consignments

Enter the courier’s phone number for delivery inquiries.


Courier Account Number

Enter the courier’s account number.


Consignment Format

Enter or select the ID of the format for this courier’s consignment dockets as created using the Report Generator (for information, refer to "Reports - Report Generator").


WIN Printer

This is the Windows printer that you want to print consignment forms on. To add or change a printer, select the Change Printer button and select the printer settings.


Allow User to Change Printer

Select Yes to allow users to select different printers at run-time.


Print Consignment Notes

Select how you want courier dockets to be printed. The options are:

  • No - don't print courier dockets
  • On Line - the courier dockets are printed as the invoices or picking slips are printed (you should select this option if you are setting up SmartFreight
  • Batched - the courier dockets are printed in a batch after the invoices or picking slips are printed.


How To Pick Consign Numbers

Select Manual if you want users to enter the consignment number, or Automatic if you want Micronet to maintain a sequential list of consignment docket numbers starting at the number shown in the next field.


Last Consignment Note Number

Enter the last consignment docket number.


Courier Priority

If you want Micronet to assign a default initial priority to picking slips for this courier, enter the priority code. The priority of a picking slip determines the order in which picking slips are downloaded to PDAs. For more information about picking slip priorities, refer to "Maintaining a Picking Slip (Priority, Picker, etc.) (v2.7)".


Least Cost Courier

Select Yes to use the courier with the lowest cost, or No to select any courier.


Weight Calculation Method

Select how you want Micronet to calculate weight. The options are:

  • Add up Weights of Items – select this option if you want to either pass the weight in from a user defined question (UDQ) or, if you have weights defined in your Inventory master file, to have Micronet automatically calculate the weight for you.


Technical Tip

If you select the first weight calculation option (Add up Weights of Items):

DWORD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Micronet.12\MDS\SmartFreightWeight

The value of this key indicates what UDQs store the weight information. The first UDQ in the DIH file is 0, the second is 1, etc.

  • and weights are defined in your Inventory master file, items must have a non-zero value in the Weight field of the Item Update screen – Item tab (for more information, refer to "File - Inventory - Item").


Enable on Web

If you are using Micronet ECOM and you want users to be able to select this courier as a delivery option when they place an order, select Yes. Otherwise, leave this field as No.


Web Delivery Address Access

If you are using Micronet ECOM, select whether users can edit delivery addresses on web orders when this courier is selected:

  • Web Default – use the configuration option set for the ECOM site
  • Select from list only – users can only select from existing delivery addresses; they cannot add or edit delivery addresses
  • Select or enter for current order – users can select from existing delivery addresses or add a new one for a single order
  • Select, enter and save new address – users can select from existing delivery addresses, and add and save delivery addresses that will be available on future orders
  • Select, enter, edit, delete, save – users have total control over delivery addresses; they can add, edit and delete addresses
  • Default Address Only – the delivery address will default to the first delivery address on the debtor and users can’t change that address
  • Select, enter, save new, clear current – this is the same as "Select or enter for current order" except that it also clears the delivery address on the checkout screen. This is useful where you want the user to be prompted to check / enter the delivery address.


Exclude From Web MOV

If you are using Micronet ECOM, select Yes if you want the delivery charge for this courier to be excluded from the minimum order value calculation, i.e. the minimum order value will only apply to the goods on the order.

If this field is set to No, the delivery charge for this courier will be included in the minimum order value.


Pickup Times

Enter the estimated closing times of couriers starting from Monday and continuing through to Sunday. Micronet displays these on inquiries and reports, and uses them to determine the priority of couriers in the Warehouse Scheduler. That is, slips are picked in accordance with the remaining open couriers. (For more information, refer to "Warehouse Scheduler - Picking Slips".)

  1. Select FILE | SAVE.